Thursday, February 12, 2015

"Carnaval de Recursos" Blog Hop!

I am linking up with my sweet friends to share with you different activities and FREEBIES during this "Carnaval de Recursos" Blog hop!

This year I am teaching Kindergarten, and rhyming is one of the skills that we practice daily. I need to be super creative and present these skills in different ways, to keep my little ones engage. So far, I have succeeded!! My students LOVE every time we do rhyming activities, and  they look forward to the activity of the day!

One of their favorite activities is the one I am going to share with you today!

As a whole class, we find the ice cream scoops that rhyme with the ice cream cone and make a big ice cream! I also have some blank ice cream scoops for my friends that want to add their own words!

I also added this activity to the station later in the week for more practice and to help my students master this skill!

You can find these activities {HERE}. They will be FREE until February 15!

Follow my TPT  store, my FB page and my blog for more freebies and activities!

Now, hop over "Maestra Escamila" for more freebies and ideas!

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