Monday, May 27, 2013

Life Cycle

Last week, we talked about Life Cycle and Metamorphosis. My students loved the word METAMORPHOSIS. It was fun to teach them about it. At school, I have access to Brainpop Jr. and used one of their videos to introduce the topic.
We learned about the Butterfly Life Cycle, the Frog Life Cycle and the Human Life Cycle. 

I started the week by letting the students draw their own life cycle. Here are some of their work.

For the Butterfly Life Cycle, I let my student create a flap book in which they drew and described the stages. 

They did a great job!

Later in the week, I started talking about simple metamorphosis and complete metamorphosis. To make sure they understood the concept, I let them create an unique insect. They needed to draw a picture of their insect and their life cycle. Also they needed to identify if their insect had a simple or a complete metamorphosis. I can assure you they all mastered the concept. 

simple metamorphosis

complete metamorphosis

complete metamorphosis

I ended my week talking about the Frog Life Cycle, and I found a very cute craft at Mrs. T's First Grade  Class

Before saying good-bye, I would love to share with you a gift from one of my students! This is the cutest and most creative pencil holder I have ever seen in my life! I love it!!!

 I have two more weeks before my summer starts! I am planning to let my students work on their memory books soon!

Memory Book in Spanish
Memory Book in English

 You can check out my store to find it!

I hope you have a great week!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mother's Day Card

Are you ready for Mother's Day

 I am going to keep it simple this year.  I am going to  read a story about how exceptional moms are and let the kids write a card to their Mom letting her know why she is so special to them.

One of my favorite books is "Lo mejor de Mama / Lo mejor de Papa" by Laura Mumeroff. 

After we read this book, I am going to give them the option to write about how their moms are so special or write an acrostic to describe mom.

And later we are making this cute craft to decorate the card.

Simple and cute! You can find it HERE!

Don't forget about TPT Teacher's Appreciation Sale! All my products will have up to a 25% discount!

I hope you have a great week!


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