Sunday, August 28, 2016

Safety in the Science Lab and more!

Thank you so much for your messages!  I love to share ideas with all of you and it makes me super happy when you message me how much your kiddos are enjoying your lessons! I decided to share more ideas for this coming week and I hope it helps you!

These activities are perfect to teach your little ones about safety in the Science Lab and how to keep others safe.

You can download the document {HERE}.

Have a great week!
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Sunday, August 21, 2016

1st Week of School Activities!

I am ready to go back to work tomorrow! I would like to share with you different activities I am going to be doing with my kiddos this week! I am teaching Kindergarten this year but some of these activities are good for K-2.

You access the document {HERE}

I hope I can help you with ideas and save you some time!

Have a great school year!

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