Saturday, January 9, 2016

My First Clip Art Set!

I love to draw and I finally had the time to create a product using my art! I am super excited to share with you my first clip art set! I had a lot of fun creating it. I hope you like it as much as I do. I can't wait to hear you feedback.
You can find it now {HERE}.

You can get my first clip art set for FREE! Just enter your info below!
 photo http---signaturesmylivesignaturecom-54492-223-9768EE9C03FA2301CE0ACA0675CF5E43_zps54410658.png

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy 2016!

Happy New Year Friends!

Here you can find a fun way to celebrate the new year with your students and practice high frequency words at the same time!

You can also help your students set their goals for the new year with this writing activity and craft!

You can find this activity {HERE}
Have a great 2016!

 photo http---signaturesmylivesignaturecom-54492-223-9768EE9C03FA2301CE0ACA0675CF5E43_zps54410658.png
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