Sunday, December 11, 2016

Letters to Santa!

Our letters are ready! It took us the whole week to get them done, but we did it!
The key to make 5 years old feel comfortable about their writing is to make it as simple as possible!

First, my kiddos wrote their wish list. Then they used their wish list to write their letter. :)

After they were done with their letter, it was time to make Santa! They loved this part!

I love how their letters turned out! I am very impressed of my kiddos writing ! I think their 1st grade teacher will be very happy! 

If you would like to use these activities in your classroom, you can find them {HERE}.

Have fun!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Veterans Day

Next week my Social Studies lesson will be all about Veterans Day! Here are some ideas I have planned.

Monday: We will complete a bubble map with all we know about our veterans.

 Tuesday: Read Aloud "Veterans Day"
Wednesday: Math Boot Camp! A fun day full of Math Activities!

Thursday: We will write a letter or draw a picture to thank our veterans!

Friday: Complete a KWL chart.
I am planning a fun and engaging week! I hope you can use some of these ideas with your students!
Have a fun week!

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Thursday, October 6, 2016

Fire Safety Week

Next week my little ones are going to be learning about Christopher Columbus and Fire Safety Week!
Here are some of the activities I have planned for the week.

You can find these activities {HERE}

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Monday, September 5, 2016

All about our Names!

This week my students will learn all about their names! I am planning to start the week reviewing the alphabet. The rest of the week will be all about their names! Here are some activities I will be doing with my kiddos! I hope they are helpful!

You can find this document {HERE}.

Have fun!
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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Safety in the Science Lab and more!

Thank you so much for your messages!  I love to share ideas with all of you and it makes me super happy when you message me how much your kiddos are enjoying your lessons! I decided to share more ideas for this coming week and I hope it helps you!

These activities are perfect to teach your little ones about safety in the Science Lab and how to keep others safe.

You can download the document {HERE}.

Have a great week!
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Sunday, August 21, 2016

1st Week of School Activities!

I am ready to go back to work tomorrow! I would like to share with you different activities I am going to be doing with my kiddos this week! I am teaching Kindergarten this year but some of these activities are good for K-2.

You access the document {HERE}

I hope I can help you with ideas and save you some time!

Have a great school year!

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Build a Word in Spanish with m,p,s,t

Here is another activity I am planning to add to my word station this fall. You can get it ready pretty easily and you can use materials that you already have! 

I am sure my little ones are going to love it! And the best part is that I am using words that start with the same syllables we are going to be learning at the beginning of the year! Later in the year I am planning to use this same activity, but instead of building the word they are going to write it!

Here is a picture of how it looks!

You can find this activity {HERE}.

-Build a Word Template
-Magnetic letter or Foam letters
-Cookie Tray (I found mine at the Dollar Store)

Have fun!
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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Mini Libritos

 I know I still have a couple of weeks of summer break, but by this time of the year my teacher mode is ON!

I made these mini-books to help my early readers blend syllables and make words!

I am going to use these mini-books for my words station. My plan is to let my kiddos read the words, write them and then build them with magnetic letters!

You can find these mini-books HERE! Here is a video of how you can make your mini-books! 

Have fun!

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Friday, June 24, 2016

Summer and Video Games!!

My Summer break is here and I am happy to enjoy it with my little ones!

Both of my kids love to read, play with each other and more, but sometimes my boy just want to play video games all day! Do you have that problem too?

This summer my husband and I decided he is going to earn the time he plays video games by doing different activities like reading, practice Spanish, swimming, etc.

To make it easy and fun I made these cute cards that work as coupons. Every time he completes one activity, he earns a card that give him 30 minutes of video games!

So far, it's working! He is not in front of the screen all day and he is having fun! Win! Win!

If you think your little ones would benefit from these cards too, you can download them {HERE}.

Enjoy the summer!

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Friday, June 17, 2016

Father's Day

Father's Day is coming and here it's a simple and cute craftivity that your little ones can make at home to surprise Dad!

 These activities are in English and Spanish and are easy for your little one to complete by themselves which make the card even more special for Dad!

You can find these activities {HERE}.
Have fun!

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Monday, February 1, 2016

Heart Freebie

Here you can find a cute heart clip art, perfect for Valentine's Day! It will be perfect for your special project or to create a great activity for your lesson!
You can download it for free {HERE}.

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Saturday, January 9, 2016

My First Clip Art Set!

I love to draw and I finally had the time to create a product using my art! I am super excited to share with you my first clip art set! I had a lot of fun creating it. I hope you like it as much as I do. I can't wait to hear you feedback.
You can find it now {HERE}.

You can get my first clip art set for FREE! Just enter your info below!
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Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy 2016!

Happy New Year Friends!

Here you can find a fun way to celebrate the new year with your students and practice high frequency words at the same time!

You can also help your students set their goals for the new year with this writing activity and craft!

You can find this activity {HERE}
Have a great 2016!

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