Sunday, March 29, 2015

Celebrating with a Spring in our steps!

I am so excited to link up with Marissa from Inspired Owl's Corner to share some Spring milestones!
I love Spring, but it's the busiest time of the year! But when I am done with everything, I can enjoy the weather and start planning my summer vacation (well, I should say " my hubby will start planning").

My two big Spring Milestones this school year were Multi-Cultural Night & Spring Carnival!

Both of them were super fun, but Multicultural Night was my favorite one! I shared a little bit of my beautiful Puerto Rico!

I live in a small town east of Dallas. The fields during Spring are beautiful full of bluebonnets! This picture is from last year, but I can't wait to be surrounded by bluebonnets this year!

Check out these resources, perfect for Spring! It's a great way to practice writing skills & grammar! I LOVE it!!!

I am planning to use this activity on my writing center next week. I am sure my kids are going to love it! You can download this activity in English & Spanish for free for the first 48 hours of this Linky party {HERE}!

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Sunday, March 15, 2015

New Collaborative Blog for Kindergarten Teachers

I have a very exciting announcement to make! 
I have decided to team up with some of my very best kinder buddies to write for a collaborative blog! 
That means ONE blog with TONS of great ideas from several super awesome Kindergarten teachers!

One thing I L-O-V-E about this blog, is you will know exactly what to expect each day of the week.  For every day, there is a blogging theme.  Check them out! 

I'm SO excited to get started on this new adventure, and am thrilled to invite you along for the ride.  Let's celebrate with a little giveaway!

You can win my St. Patrick's Day Writing Craftvity in English & Spanish. Theses writing activities are perfect to celebrate the holiday and practice writing skills!
All you have to do to enter is follow us over at iTeachKinder then follow the instructions on the rafflecopter below.

Can't wait to get started sharing some great Kinder ideas with you! 

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