Saturday, February 28, 2015

Snow, Ice and Rain!

I am linking up with my friend Nancy from Teaching with Nancy to share a cute freebie and my snowy week!

The last couple of days have been crazy over here! We started the week with freezing rain and ended it with snow! 

It might not be a lot of snow for some of you, but it's good for us over here in North Texas!

Here is a picture of my calendar! It's the first time in ten years that I use all  my snow cards! 

We had so much fun writing about the snow, and this craftivity from "A Year of Many First" was perfect!

This activity turned out super cute and the kids loved it! If you still have a couple of snow days on your forecast you can find this activity {HERE}

Have fun!
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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Presidents Fun!

Here are some pics of all the fun we had learning about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln last week.

We started the week discussing all the things we knew about George Washington and creating this craft that helped us review some of our high frequency words!

My kiddos also wrote what they loved about Washington.

We also learned about Lincoln and wrote facts about his life!

By the end of the week we made this cute wall that shows all the things we learned about our presidents!

You can find these activities {HERE}.

Remember to follow my store for exclusively freebies!

Have fun!

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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Deep in the Heart of Texas Bloh Hop

Welcome to the "Deep in the Heart of Texas" blog hop!  Over 40 Texas teacher bloggers have joined together to share what we love about our state as well as ideas and freebies that we love.  You will also have the opportunity to enter to win TpT products and/or TpT gift certificates by entering using the rafflecopters included in each post.  Down at the bottom, you will see all of the blogs participating in the hop.  Just click and you will be taken to their posts.  We hope you love what you find.  Happy Valentine's Day!

I am Mynda Rivera from Forney. This is my 10th year teaching. I have taught PK, K, 1st & 2nd. Currently I am teaching Kindergarten Bilingual and I love it! I am also a mom and wife. I am married to a wonderful man who also teaches. We have two beautiful children-- a 6-year-old boy and a 3-year-old girl. 

Forney, known as the "Antique Capital of Texas" and the home of the Jackrabbits, is a small town east of Dallas. I love this town because it's has all the things you need from a big city without loosing the country style.

Every Spring I take this picture in the same field, which it's just minutes from my house!

I would like to share with you one of my favorites activities in English & Spanish that you can use when you're teaching about Texas. I love when my students create their own projects and illustrate what they have learned! This activities let them do it without a doubt!

My students can describe and illustrate the Texas symbols while creating a cute cowboy or cowgirl.

They can also create a Texas Book with all the state symbols illustrated with different materials ranging from tissue paper to watercolors.

These activities will be on sale until Sunday, February 15, 2015. I would appreciate your feedback! :)

I also want to share this freebie that will work perfectly with the activity above.

Your students will love to write about Stephen Austin and make this cute craft!

You can find this freebie {HERE}.

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Click on the buttons below to visit some other awesome Texas bloggers!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

"Carnaval de Recursos" Blog Hop!

I am linking up with my sweet friends to share with you different activities and FREEBIES during this "Carnaval de Recursos" Blog hop!

This year I am teaching Kindergarten, and rhyming is one of the skills that we practice daily. I need to be super creative and present these skills in different ways, to keep my little ones engage. So far, I have succeeded!! My students LOVE every time we do rhyming activities, and  they look forward to the activity of the day!

One of their favorite activities is the one I am going to share with you today!

As a whole class, we find the ice cream scoops that rhyme with the ice cream cone and make a big ice cream! I also have some blank ice cream scoops for my friends that want to add their own words!

I also added this activity to the station later in the week for more practice and to help my students master this skill!

You can find these activities {HERE}. They will be FREE until February 15!

Follow my TPT  store, my FB page and my blog for more freebies and activities!

Now, hop over "Maestra Escamila" for more freebies and ideas!

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Sunday, February 8, 2015

It's my daughter's birthday let's celebrate with a FREEBIE!

My daughter's birthday party was yesterday! She had a great time with family and friends. She wanted a Princess theme and I loved the idea!!!

I had a lot of fun making all the decorations and snacks! (Thanks Pinterest!)  Here are some pics of the party! 

She had a wonderful time and LOVED her party!

Now, to keep celebrating I would like to share with you this FREEBIE!!!

It will be perfect for your Math stations, homework or for reviewing!!

Follow my TPT store for monthly freebies exclusively for my sweet followers!

Have fun!

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